Codes: STNG, P/C
Rating: PG-13 (?)

Little piece of P/C fluff for the BONCers out there. Never enough of Bev and JLP! Hope this makes you a bit happy.

Disclaimer: Paramount owns the film, I just edit it to suit the BONCing public. No, we are not the majority but that never stopped any of us before.


'Right, that's it,' he thought. 'I'm through being a gentleman!' With that Jean Luc Picard took hold of Beverly Crusher's wrist, lifting her bodily out of the chair and dragging her out of her office behind him. She stopped giggling before they even reached the door.

The doctor was momentarily stunned by the captain's actions, paralyzing her ability to speak for a few minutes. Dr. Crusher knew she could probably have made him stop but didn't really think of that option until they were well down the corridor. Beverly made a half-hearted attempt at removing her wrist from his grasp, but he just locked on more tightly and gave her arm a firm tug keeping her moving. He wasn't having any more of her nonsense, that much was clear.

Since Beverly was a step behind Jean Luc, she couldn't see his face and had no idea what he might be thinking. She'd been teasing him about Ba'ku and Anij and accusing him of behaving like a randy teenager. She knew his relationship with Anij hadn't worked out when he returned from leave after spending far less time with his new 'friend' than anticipated. Beverly wasn't sure WHY it hadn't worked out, but she'd gotten a few hints that at least part of the reason was Anij's unwillingness to adjust her lifestyle to include him on a permanent basis.

In actuality, Anij was over 300 years old, she had seen and done just about everything there was to see and do on Ba'ku. She was an extremely patient person. She taught Jean Luc the true meaning of that word; actually several meanings. Anij moved sedately, she spoke at a very moderate, clear rate, she rarely became angry or upset and when she did, well, even then it was sometimes hard to tell. In a nutshell: Anij bored the hell out of Jean Luc after three weeks and his patience had worn thing. He was more than ready to experience Beverly's fiery, unpredictable temperament again.

Dr. Crusher was secretly overjoyed that the relationship had tanked. She was always a bit surprised whenever Jean Luc would finally turn to another woman. The doctor was hurt as well, but Beverly knew she had only herself to blame for his looking for what he wanted elsewhere.

'I've finally sent him over the edge. He's completely lost all sense of propriety! I can't believe he's dragging me down the corridor like this! What the hell has gotten into him???' she thought. This was not the Captain Jean Luc Picard to whom she had grown accustomed. But, short of using one of Worf's Mok Bah'ara moves on him (except she wasn't absolutely sure it would work since the captain was well versed in the technique as well) and creating an even bigger scene, she had little choice but to trot along behind him. At this point Beverly decided she needed to try reasoning with him. It couldn't hurt and perhaps it would at least make him slow down. She was practically having to jog to keep up with him.

"Jean Luc, where.....

At this point Commander Beverly Crusher discovered there was more than ONE 'Picard Maneuver' in the captain's arsenal.

Jean Luc stopped abruptly at the first word out of Beverly's mouth, pivoted, let go of Beverly's wrist, waited the nanosecond it took for momentum to propel her into him, wrapped one arm about her waist while his other hand went behind her head. He didn't give her the chance to comprehend what was happening. He kissed her. Hard. Pushing his tongue past her already open lips, and caressing hers, then withdrawing. When he abruptly pulled his head back, he also took his hand from her hair, looked her straight in the eye while pointing his finger at her nose and said in a low but firm tone, "No more talking out of you Miss." That said, the captain spun around and resumed his journey down the hall, clutching her wrist again as he turned.

His excursion ended at the door to his quarters which opened obligingly. Beverly was still in shock from that kiss. It wasn't so much the kiss itself, although that was astonishing in its own right; it was the delivery that dazed her. Jean Luc's face had been a blur but she managed to register his look of determination quite clearly. This was not a man with whom one should trifle right now and Beverly Crusher heeded this warning from her muddled brain. Plus, his words to her were flippant but he obviously meant them to be obeyed. Normally she would have been in a rage at what he'd said, but her mind wasn't keeping up at all.

As the door opened, Jean Luc yanked the hand attached to Beverly's wrist in front of him sending her quickly inside. He didn't let go, simply made sure she had cleared the door before he made his next move. As he stepped out of the sensor sweep, he spun her around to face him. Again, he implemented his personal version of the 'Picard Maneuver' until they were nose to nose. He was beginning to enjoy this little tactic.

Beverly was breathing rapidly and her heart was pounding so loudly she KNEW he had to be able to hear it. The deafening organ also happened to be lodged firmly in her throat causing her to swallow hard as she stared into his bright hazel eyes. 'Yes, definitely determination!' she thought. Beverly now had time to notice what else was shining in Jean Luc Picard's eyes; undisguised desire and passion.

The captain gave his companion one second to comprehend his intentions. He knew she might protest, but he'd had enough of that. Picard wasn't the least bit fooled by his CMO's hesitation and fear. He had long ago realized why she was frightened of a relationship, but was resolved to make it clear to her that one could die at any given moment; whether sitting in a comfortable chair in front of the fire reading peacefully or on a dangerous mission in space. It didn't matter, when one's time was up, it was up. End of discussion. Beverly's fear of the future was not something he was going to put up with any longer. He wanted her, she wanted him, they were both obviously in love with each other and he was tired of this game. He wanted her in his life, in his bed, in his arms, permanently. This ridiculousness was going to stop now. If he had to keep her in here all night or all WEEK, then that's what he'd do, but he WOULD break through that barrier between them if it was his last conscious act.

With that thought, he kissed her again. Gently this time, his lips softly pressing hers. At first the doctor didn't respond, but he waited patiently and slowly pulled her closer to him while running his hands up her back.

It only took a second or two before Beverly's body answered for her. Her brilliant doctors brain seemed to be off vacationing somewhere and was useless right now. Beverly's hands, which had come to rest on Jean Luc's well defined chest, slid up and around his neck as her mouth opened to his delicately probing tongue. 'God, he's good at this!' she thought.

Jean Luc explored her mouth, delighting in the feel of warm soft lips against his, while his fingers did fabulous things to her neck and back. One of his hands eventually came to rest on the firm curve of her behind, stroking it tenderly. How he loved that beautiful portion of Beverly's anatomy. He thoroughly enjoyed walking behind her whenever he got the chance, just for the sheer pleasure of the view. Jean Luc had admired Beverly's dancer's physique since the day they'd met and he was never disappointed when she took off that hideous lab coat. The Starfleet uniform fit her like a glove. He silently thanked the unknown designer profusely. She moaned softly into his mouth as he squeezed her backside gently. It was just the response he had been looking for.

Beverly's hands were certainly not idle. One traced its way gingerly up his neck and onto the back of his head creating patterns on his sensitive scalp. Her other hand made round trips up and down his back, pausing frequently to caress and discover his body. She mimicked his actions on her posterior and was thrilled that he responded as she had.

Jean Luc knew he had Beverly in the right frame of mind now and as the intensely sensuous kiss ended he squeezed her exquisitely firm flesh once more and rested his forehead on hers. They were both breathless and it took him a moment to find his voice.

"Beverly, you know I'm in love with you and I have good reason to believe you are in love with me," he whispered. "I can't go on being just your 'friend' any longer. I need you. I want you. And from that kiss I have to conclude that you have the same desires about me," he paused to kiss her eyelids and nose, then continued in his hushed tone. "I know you're afraid of this. I know you've hesitated because you're frightened of being hurt and abandoned again if I die."

"Don't say that Jean Luc, please. I don't even want to THINK about that," she whispered, closing her eyes. She couldn't bear the thought of losing him. She had never been able to endure that thought. He was right, it was why she'd refused his offer to 'explore' their feelings.

"Shhh," he didn't want her to dwell on it and perhaps let her mind take over. Pulling her body to his again to remind her why she had responded earlier, the captain placed a gentle finger on her lips. "Beverly, right now you listen, I will talk." He ducked his head slightly to get her to look him in the eye. She grinned back and nodded slightly.

"This has been going on too long. We've been serving together on the same ship for over ten years and I'm still here with you, aren't I? We've known each other for even longer. You mustn't live your life believing that either of us will die the instant we decide to become intimate. I want you in my arms, not just in my dreams. I want to be able to do this (kissing her lips) whenever I wish. It's rather agreeable, don't you think?" he asked. She nodded, giving him another 'agreeable' demonstration.

He resumed his monologue, "I love you with every fiber of my being. I have the distinct impression that you are also in love with me," it was a question and she nodded again, relieved of the burden of having to say the words.

"Very well," he continued in his best 'Captain Picard' tone. He buried his face in her hair so that his lips were close to her ear, "then I think it's high time we did something about your incredible lust for my body," he couldn't help teasing her and the wicked grin on his face was irresistible.

Beverly leaned back, caught his playful smirk and swatted his butt then slowly squeezed it, the lecherous grin on her face matching his. "My lust for your body is nothing compared to the eagerness you seem to have for mine. I've seen you leering at me when you thought I didn't notice, CAPTAIN," she offered with equal enthusiasm.

"I do NOT leer," he replied. "Starship captains are disciplined and trained to keep their expressions neutral in any given situation. You are imagining things, as usual," he egged her on knowing she could be brilliant when it came to flirting. Hell, that's what had started this whole episode in the first place.

"Well, perhaps you need a refresher course, Captain, your discipline seems to be slipping," she countered. "Or perhaps you're simply getting lax in your old age," that ought to get him going, she thought.

"Would you like to see how lax my discipline really is, Doctor?" he delivered the challenge in a husky voice.

"I think I might have to take you up on that offer, Sir," she purred as she rubbed herself against him, noticing there was NOTHING 'lax' about his response. "Perhaps I'm just imaging THAT expression. I don't think you could define it as 'neutral' though," she laughed as his desire became quite physically evident against her hip.

"Mmmm, well trained perhaps?" his comment produced a giggle from Beverly. "Possibly your imagination is just over active. Would you like to investigate further? Perhaps your blatant desire for me is causing these hallucinations," he challenged her again.

"Oh, well, maybe I AM hallucinating. However, I seem to recall being forcibly driven into this room. Did I imagine that, Captain? I believe your advanced age has caused gaps in your memory. I seem to recall that we were discussing YOUR carnal intentions towards ME," she replied. Beverly dropped one hand and slid it between them to properly assess the situation.

"Mmm, yes, definitely not my imagination, Captain." She lowered her lips to his neck and continued to murmur her 'findings' to him. "I believe I was correct in commenting that Ba'ku must have done wonders for you, Jean Luc. I can feel the years slipping away right now," she chuckled at his physical response to her ministrations.

"Is that your professional opinion, Doctor Crusher?" he was having way too much fun to put an end to this banter just yet. She was absolutely delightful when she was in this kind of playful mood.

Beverly pulled her head up and looked him in the eye, putting on her 'professional' demeanor, "I'm sorry, Captain, I would have to perform a THOROUGH examination before answering that question," and went back to nibbling his earlobe.

"Very well, Doctor," with that Jean Luc swept Beverly up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom. where she proceeded to examine every inch of his lovely body. He, of course, provided the good doctor with the same meticulous service and the banter was abandoned until much, much later.