Author: LittleSecret
Code: TNG, P/Cish
Rating: NC-17
Archive: ASC and BONC8, others please ask first
Disclaimer: I don't think paramount owns ALL of the characters body
parts... ;-)
A word from the author: B, you did something when you started this ;-)!
By LittleSecret
Thank God, she is finally asleep! And so is HE.
HE is my owner, my boss as you may call him. He is the one who calls
to duty when he needs me. And since we’ve been together – which is
since I am aware of myself – he’s been a good boss: never asking too
much of me and never too little. I was never neglected, always cared
for, stroked and washed every day.
To be honest, I always thought that I am the perfect cock. Extremely
good looking – just the perfect size, my skin soft to the touch, evenly
grown, circumcised to show off the beauty of my glans -, reliable and
with the best stamina in this quadrant.
That’s what I thought. But this... this WOMAN seems to show me my
limits. Ever since I first met her – respectively first her hands and
then her cunt – she was so fond of me that she can’t keep her hands
me as soon as she meets my boss. And even when she’s not in the room,
the fantasies of my boss keep me fully erect nearly all the time.
I can’t stand this any longer! Don’t they know how much it HURTS to
erect and full of blood the whole time??? Not that they make me spill
my semen from time to time... Thank Goodness, or I would die of
necrosis for sure!
But it can’t go on like this, really. Before the red head, my boss used
me maybe once a week, even less. And the moments I saw a female I could
count on my... oh forget it. At least in the past few years. I could
tell you stories of his youth, you know! <evil grin> And now? I’m
called to duty several times a day, and they never pay attention to
needs! I have to sleep SOME time in order to stay healthy and strong!
But no, just as I did my job, perfectly as ever, she’s teasing him
again, and what can I say, my boss can think of nothing else anymore.
Not that it is nice to be taken into her mouth, for example. I even
to explore her rear once or twice, my boss likes that, too. <giggle>
But too much is too much, you sex obsessed middle aged human rabbits!!
I feel sore and tired like never before, I can tell you.... I’m so glad
they both fell asleep, that means I have a few hours of rest myself.
How can I stand up to this frequency? I’m only human!
Maybe I should think about organizing a strike. Should talk to her cunt
next time I see her....