IT 12

Author: DocBevCulver
Series: TNG
Codes: P/Cish
Rating: R I guess
Author's Notes: Bevster started this, so it's not all my fault :D

Oh no. Not here. Please, I've heard the turbolift and replicator
complaining. Now, you decided to come to the battle bridge. Sheesh, I
heard you two all the way down here last night from the main bridge. I
was hoping I would manage to stay out of this...well, what ever it is
you two do.

Oh no, here they come. Stay away from me..ooff..geez, don't you two
know anything about being easy. Sheesh!!!

Um, sir, I think your supposed to take those off ONE AT A
TIME..HELLLLLOOOOO!!! Not tear them off. What is it you humans call it,
being nekkid or something like that. That's not what this place is used
for. I am for EMERGENCY USE only, not for your romping.

Good Lord! Get a room, that's what a bed is for, ooof..stop bouncing on springs are only equiped for ONE body during a battle. Not for

Um, what is that she's grabbing. It looks like some object meant to
stab something..oh, I see, it is for stabbing, she seems to like it a
lot, or is that a moan of pain. I can never tell the difference with
you humans.

Whoaaaaa, boy, calm down. Sheesh, I thought you were a gentlemen, and
those words didn't sound very gentlemenly. "You are so goood," sheesh,
couldn't you think of something else to say.

Um, ma'am, you might want to watch were you put your hands. I have very
delicate buttons here. Hey! Watch those fingernails..sheesh, you almost
hit that red button. We wouldn't want that, now would we.

Ouch, geez, you need to go get those things cut. That hurt! I'm not a
scratching post for heaven's sake.

Um, watch that button....<red alert>...oh Lord, now all of security is
going to be down here and that big hairy guy too...geez!!!

Yeah, you had better get them StarFleet uniforms back on, all though,
she doesn't have much to put back on, thanks to you Captain!!!

Oh damn, what is that on my cushion...the guys from engineering will
never be able to get that out...ewwww and it's sticky too...sheesh,
stay in your cabins from now on...remember, I'm only for EMERGENCY, NOT
