Author: Célia Brouillette (
Codes: TNG, P/Cish, 1/1
Rating: PG-13
Archive: yes :)
Feedback: oh please!! hehehe
Disclaimer: Paramount owns startrek, it's caracters and nana's quilt
but this little thing is mine. Thanks to Bevster for starting it!!
Thanks to Kate and Sheri for helping me! :)
I know it's really short.. but I wanted to it.. :)
Nana’s Quilt
I’m not sure if I like her new guy. He’s a bit too rough for my taste.
I know that my dear Beverly is trying her best to put me out of harm's
way, but last night, she couldn't do that. The passion overtook her.
When I first met him, a long time ago at the old house, I would have
never had thought he was this passionate. He sure can make her feel
good as I can hear her in midst of passion.
I just can remember Ronin and his little trick that would throw
Beverly on me while she was enjoying herself on me. But Beverly being
on me and enjoying herself is a different thing then being thrown on
the floor to ease the carpet-burn! The poor thing is in bad shape.
probably the thing the least damaged here, even though she had to wash
me after that little thing on the floor. I'm just just not sure if
old strings can take it. The old lady was gentle with me, but then
again Ronin wasn't corporeal during the fun, so he couldn’t hurt me
and could certainly satisfy her.
But I’m sure that my dear Beverly will exhaust him before they do
anything more to me. She’s such a nice girl, and she sure has the
Howard’s stamina, I just wish him good luck.