TITLE: It 6 - The Shower
AUTHOR: TrexPhile ([email protected])
SERIES: TNG (well, for my purposes, but you can
use any series you like)
PART: 1/1 (thank God it's not longer)
CODES: Once again, whatever het couple you want.
Me, I like mine P/C.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Um... TheBevster made me
do this. She kept *complaining*
about how she couldn't get The Shower right,
so I finally decided I'd do it
myself. <eg> Actually, I enjoyed
myself immensely while writing this one.
DISCLAIMER: Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah, I don't need one.
I can hear her coming closer. She's laughing
softly as the door opens. Is
she coming to see me? I hope so...
I've missed her. She's never here
anymore it seems.
She's not alone! There's someone with her!
What is this? She's not
supposed to have someone in HERE with her!
This is a private place, a
place for cleansing and invigorating -- where
I can make her happy and
whole when she's feeling less than her best.
Perhaps he's just in here to talk to her while
she-- what? He's turning my
knobs! He's... he's... he's taking his
clothes off! And now he's taking
HER clothes off! Oh no...
Who is this man? I've never seen him before!
Oh no... He's doing it -- he's stepping in, letting
my water flow over him.
And he's got her hand and he's pulling her in
too!! WHAT is going on
Okay. I can handle this. I can do
my job for two instead of just one.
Let my water run, monitor the temperature so
that it's just right, dispense
the shampoo and the soap and--
Um... what is he doing to her? He's got
a lot of my soap and he's washing
her all over. I *know* that she's capable
of doing that on her own. Must
be some new ritual or something. She seems
to be enjoying it. I guess
that humans occasionally want another human to
perform these rituals.
Well, as long as she's enjoying it...
Um, Mister? I think she's plenty clean there
already. You can stop
washing that now.
Oh no!! He's hurting her! She's moaning
and crying out! She's in pain!
What do I do, what do I do?? Should I blast
them with scalding water to
make him stop!! No, I can't -- it might
hurt her too!! Oh deardeardear...
I don't know--
Wait a minute... I don't think she's in pain.
She's SMILING and she's even
LAUGHING now. This is strange, very strange...
And now she's... OH MY!!
What *is* that thing?? She's... washing
him in the same place he was
washing her, but he's got something... she doesn't
look ANYTHING like that!
What *is* that?
Okay, I'm not going to think about this anymore.
I'll just concentrate on
doing my job. Water temperature -- check.
Water pressure -- check. Slip-
resistant flooring -- check. Shamp--
Okay, now that almost hurt! Mister, there
was no need to slam her against
my wall like that! If I could call security,
I'd have them in here in two
seconds to haul your soapy ass down--
So *that's* what that thing is for.
This is very interesting.
You know, it *looks* like that would hurt but
I don't think she's moaning
in pain. And I have to admit that he's
got a nice rhythm. Almost as good
as my massage mode.
Oh wow.
Okay, honey -- that scream was just a *tad* too
piercing. I think you
shook a couple of my tiles loose.
Hmmm... I guess they're finished.
They're both standing now, they've
turned my water off, but they look a little wobbly.
That is NOT a good
sign. I'm supposed to cleanse and invigorate,
not sap them of energy.
Damn. I've failed. I'm defective.
They're going to come in here and take
me apart and strip me of my pipes and throw me
into an airlock where I'll
be blasted into space and never ever--
What's that she just said?
"Oh, that was the best shower I've ever had."
<happy sigh>
Damn, I'm good.